So this is just a quickie to say that spring sprung in my garden while I was away.........
.......and The outdoor "Bobs" are swimming around like "Mad Jack McMad", winner of last years Mr Madman competition.
Might feature The Bob's when the big old boys are around on the top and I can get some decent pics of them and their indoor relatives.
Will get the process engineers guide to Belgium on the go very soon.
Bad news, nobody I spoke to had heard of the carrot museum so some web searching is in order.
There is, however, a small shiny cow, some ostrich medallions, snails, Giants and the other spaceship from MIB to be considered so watch this space. (in a few days).
You forgot the most important bit - how much choc was consumed? lol.
Love the goldfish!
Jealous. It's cold here.
I didn't have any choc's Lynn, but I got a selection of handmade specials from a small shop in the town square in Mechelen for Mothers Day. I might even give them to Mum if she behaves.
Sorry to hear it's cold in your neck of the woods Sassy, but you have McI and your dating boots to keep you warm until the winter breaks.
lol oh Mum will love those i bet. What a great son. Amazing you didn't weaken yourself, such strength of character! I've been quite good myself tonight, though. Limited myself to half a fun size mars bar. How's that? Even i'm impressed.
Hope thr "fun size mars bar is not a dodgy analogy !!
And if it was, good for you.
LOL it wasn't actually, just an innocent little choccie bar in my MOUTH. Still though, haven't done that for a while! Eat a whole one, i meant, what did you think? Oh blimey that sounds even worse. Gawd. Ms. Faithful has a lot to answer for, even today.......................................oh er sorry i was a bit lost there.........daydreaming.
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