Monday, May 26, 2008

The "G" Spot

I finally took the plunge on Saturday and got a Canon G9 camera after months of indecision.
It made sense to go for a smaller camera rather than a DSLR and by the time I'm ready for one of those, they will be much cheaper. In the meantime, if I need a bigger camera, I can use my old Nikon 35mm and good old fashioned film.

So, with the English weather doing it's usual bank holiday thing, blowing a hoolie and pissing down with rain, I'm left to have a practice in the house and garden to see how this thing works.

My coffee table holds the key to my soul.
Drum books, rugby books and how to drink wine.

This is for Dive and is simply titled.... Wood! (f'nar f'nar)

The only one of my pictures that I still have.
It is hanging straight but I wasn't.

Hello Iris, it was sunny on Saturday.

These two have some young which they are teaching to swim in the stream which runs into my pond. (It's not a real stream, but one which circulates via pumps filters and lots of tubes).

This is Bob

And this is one of his ancestors.

Lets hope next weekend is a bit better and I can get out to take some decent stuff.


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

What's hanging straight, Full?...fnar, fnar.

The drawing is superb.

Glad you got your camera, i don't know this one but the results are clear to see, really wonderful. I look forward to more....

Full said...

You say the nicest things Lynn.
It's only small but it's perfectly formed !!!

There will be more.

dive said...


Yeah. More of your artwork, please! It's about bloody time you got back to doing that.

I must say I was well impressed with the quality of the camera, which is more than I can say for the crappy software Canon forces you to use with it. Any company that won't let Photoshop recognise its hardware needs a damned good slap.

As for wine, I have a lovely top-drawer Saint Emilion on the go that Jerry brought back from his last trip to France and I am drinking it out of a beer mug.
Because I can.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Small but perfectly formed, huh? ... That can work.....

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Do you know i've only just noticed your title. Quite how i missed that must be one of life's little mysteries.

Saw your gorgeous poppy photo today at your mum's. Are you posting some more results of the G spot here by any chance?

Full said...

Isn't that always the way Lynn, some people just seem to miss it !!!

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

lol i'm told it's hard to find, but there it was, displayed quite boldly on your blog! Fnar Fnar.

MmeBenaut said...

Dear oh dear, I almost feel like I'm interrupting here. Oh well. I love the drawing too Full. You are very talented, like your brother & Lynn in the artistic department.
Your other photos are fantastic and the little birds are gorgeous. I'm finding it hard to take photos of our tiny birds, they flit away so quickly.
Anyway, do keep the photos coming - birds, flowers, whatever.